Hello girls ....
Today is Sunday and here is a beautiful autumn morning ... I love the fall.
At the time I love seeing the trees, observe the plants and orchids ... that are beautiful!! I have so many.....in my tree..I´m gonna show you same of them!!!!
I love those....they are new in my tree........
I have those for more tthan 2 months.....they look gorgeus....
In that tree I have more than one...type of that orchids. ...those are gorgeus !!!
They are so beautifful ....I like to tanks God for be so perfect when created everything in the world!!!!
I will like to say thanks for evryone who came to my blog and leave so many nice words to me...I fell so blessed to have so many wonderful friends in my life
Well today I want to show my page I made for the Color Combos Galore!
The theme was something that reminds us we use things of the sea ...
I made this texture using a little sand.
Hey I liked it very much.!!!
I wish a wonderful day !!!

Today is Sunday and here is a beautiful autumn morning ... I love the fall.
At the time I love seeing the trees, observe the plants and orchids ... that are beautiful!! I have so many.....in my tree..I´m gonna show you same of them!!!!
I love those....they are new in my tree........
I have those for more tthan 2 months.....they look gorgeus....
In that tree I have more than one...type of that orchids. ...those are gorgeus !!!
They are so beautifful ....I like to tanks God for be so perfect when created everything in the world!!!!
I will like to say thanks for evryone who came to my blog and leave so many nice words to me...I fell so blessed to have so many wonderful friends in my life
Well today I want to show my page I made for the Color Combos Galore!
The theme was something that reminds us we use things of the sea ...
I made this texture using a little sand.
Hey I liked it very much.!!!
I wish a wonderful day !!!

I use the chipboard from Momento Divertido....look great

I use texture for make the idea from the sand sea
I use same post cards, a old tag ...to remind are trip to Argentinaand I use the best glue ever and the embellie gellie to help me to glue evrything.
Mini albun made by a class with Ana Paula Leal
This mini album I made in a crop in YUMMYS with Ana Paula Leal.
I loved playing this mini and I really liked how it look.
It was so easy to make this mini...and I enjoy to be in the crop on line with so many wonderful friend!!!
Ana Paula is such a gorgeus and talented scrapper and I love evrything she does...
Have a wonderful week!!
Kisses with love !!!!
This is the front from the mini albun.....
This is the inside from the mini..I use the tag from the POLO jenas.....was the first present I gave to my husband in her First Father´s Day!!!
I use a POLO tag to put on the mini.......I love those tags...they look so great ......
I use the paper from a BOBUNNY collection ...
This is the look inside from the mini...and I love that!!!!!!!!!!!!
I hope you liked until the weend of the week I will show all the photos from that albun...
I use the best glue ever and embellie gellie to help me with this.....they are both great products !!!
In portuguese
Oi meninas....hoje aqui está um lindo dia...bom eu amo outono..é a minha estação predileta.!!!!
Adoro ver as flores as arvores e minhas orquideas estão lindas...essa semana vou postar fotos delas!!!!!
Bom quero mostrar dois projetos que fiz, um ffoi meu layout para o Color Combos Galore e o outro foi um mini projetado por Ana Paula Leal, que nos proporcionou um crop on line simplesmente maravilhoso...amei de paixão!!!!!
Quero agradecer a todas que passaram pelo meu blog e deixaram palavras tão lindas e por todos os elogios !!!!
Muito obrigada do fundo do meu coração e desejo a todas uma maravilhosa semana!!!
23 comentários:
Wow!!! Love your Layout!! and gorgeous texture with the sand!! A beautiful photo as well!
Here in Norway we still have summer (well...today it's raining and it's rather cold), but looking forwart to see some picture from your fall (and especially the flowers!
Gorgeous minialbum with the gorgeous papers from bobunny!!!
hugs from Norway
Beautiful work! Valerie
amiga, kd vc? aparece, please!
perdi seu telefone, me passa de novo?
vai na loja esta semana. eu vou pra sp sexta.
to com saudade
Aff Cyn que trabalhos mais lindos!!!! E o mini da aula da Ana ficou um encanto!!!!
Love your gorgeous creations! Your garden is beautiful! Thanks for sharing your beauty my friend!
Amei seus trabalhos! Ficaram lindos! O mini da Ana Paula eu já elogiei e comentei no forum... maravilhoso!
Oi Cyn
Te falei que os confetes tinham acabado, mas não posso deixar de jogar mais uns neste LO tão maravilhoso, fiquei apaixonada.
Beijo grande de sua fã
Thank you, Cynthia, for your nice comments on my blog!
You have such lovely flowers in your garden. You must be a very talented gardener!
Your layout in this post is very creative, and I especially love the cute photo of your daughter on the beach!
I also like your mini-album. It was a good idea to use the tag from your husband's jeans--this is a nice memory.
Thanks for sharing your wonderful photos and projects!
--Denise :)
Oh wow, what a fabulous creations you made, Cynthia!! Great job, great job! =)
HI Cynthia. A big woopsy i deleted my own comment from your blog!!!?????? SORRY
I was trying to say before i deleted my own comment LOL that i love your work and thanks for becoming a follower over at my blog and now i am a follower here at your blog too!
Have a nice day my sweet Cynthia! Thanks for your sweet comments on my blog! Your garden is amazing, I love gardening too ..once again you create splendid Lo and mini Albums is so special ... Sweet Kisses and I wish you good week!!!
ohhhhhh...just love your flowers - orchids are my absolute favorite flower, my livingroom is filled with them (here in Norway it's not warm enough to have them outside like you). Thanks for letting me know that you had uploaded the photos!!
It is a real contrast to see the flowers that grow outside where you live. It´s the type of flowers we have inside up here in the north ;) Love your layout and the mini!
Yeahhhh the nature is so beautiful yes we can thank's God For this!!
wowsers you page is amazing beautiful in everyway
I hope you came visite me to my friend!!
hugs carla
Love the sandy photo & how you have recreated the effect all around. Great mini album too! Have a lovely week!!
beautiful sweet page you have madewith a cool frame ...wonderful minialbum with lovely details.
And the flowers are so beautiful they never will grow over here much to cold~!
byeee,Lean and have a lovely week.
Loving the flowers in your garden so amazing to see what other gardeners can grow, we would have to keep most of them indoors, my favourite plant is the Agapanthus (also known as the Tinkerbell plant, which I didn't know until recently). Your picture and layout are gorgeous, love how you used the sand and the chipboard element is stunning. Wow, what a fantastic mini album, so into mini albums at the moment, have just made a Prom one for DD, yours is stunning, love the look of it, take care my friend, have a fantastic week x
Que folego voce tem!!! Nossa não sei como voce dá conta de tudo, (e tão bem né) lindo seu LO.
How beautiful are your orchids Cynthia! ADORE your LO, amazing textures and detail and such a cute photo!! Love your gorgeous album also! Have a wonderful day :)))
The flowers in your garden are so beautiful! We used to have a beautiful garden too, but as we live on a koppie (mini mountain), the dassies (small brown furry animal) eat all our plants and flowers...we have replanted so many beautiful flowers and a day or two later, they have been devoured!
Your layout for CCG is amazing...so incredibly creative, really beautiful textures and details. I love your chipboard and the way you have altered it, I love the paint smears on the background, the texture for the sand, the beautiful tags and how fabulous all your layers look.
Your mini album is totally divine too...I love what you've done with that Bo Bunny paper and the tags are super.
Thanks for sharing your scrappy goodness..:)
Cynthia, sua postagem está incrível!!!
As orquídeas maravilhosas, o LO encantador e o mini, lindíssimo!!!
Um abraço e obrigada pelo carinho! Você me é muito querida!
It is a real contrast to see the flowers that grow outside where you live. Best to keep in foyer also. It is the type of flowers we have inside up here in the north, well, like your layout also.
Pickering homes
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