E tem também prêmios...será nos dias 16 a 18 de outubro...Participem....
Aaqui imagens de alguns projetos !!!!!!Lindos de morrer!!!!!Participem e veja também quantos prêmios.
This weekend the site million memories is celebrating its 3rd. Anivrsario ... will draw, crop, and many other things. It also has ... prizes will be on 16th October 18 ... Participate .... I'll put here pictures of some projects to die !!!!!! Beautiful !!!!! ParticipemThis
To whet your appetite here is a little sneak of the projects we will be sharing with you.You do not want to miss this crop or your chance at the prizes.

2 comentários:
Tudo de bom!!!!!!!!!
Oi querida!!Quer uma amiga podreee de cansada???rsrsrsrs
Quanta coisa bonita heim!!!
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