Hello my friends .......
This week I've been working a lot and especially the dancing ZUMBA!I do not remember if I told you who I am ZUMBA instructor ....... yes I am.!!!!.....and I loved
I am in love withl latin rhythms I love salsa, merengue, manbo finally all the rhythms ...
And I always say that my two great passions in my life after my family is ....scrapbooking and ZUMBA..
If you love to dance, want to lose weight or simply want to do something that you give a pleasure .... .........choose ZUMBA
Try it in the U.S. and in Europe .... Zumba is a craze is something that has become a feverHere in Brazil is now becoming a craze .... and I'm one of the first 12 instructors.....!!!
Now let´s talk about scrap and same wonderful and great news!!!!!!!!!
I am very happy very happy gilrs !!!
I'm so proud to have had my work featured in Once Upon a Sketch ... yes...I´m there with so many wonderful and talented scrappers!! so happy ..happy and happy to be in this wonderful galerie .
I'm her bigest fan and admirer of his work and his achievements forever and never !!
She inspired me a lot and still inspires me ..I want to thanks Nadia and her team for choosing my design work.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
I have a big smile in my face in my all day long!!
August 1st Challenge Winner and Top 5 Featured Projects

Now .....talk about my another page !!!!!
Well this week's #205 challenge Color Combos Galore, is simply wonderful I loved the colors and details ... and I made this page with photos of Marcella I love!!!!....
I use same texture in this page......and for help me I use best glue ever ...for glue all the fabric
I by those buterfly stamps and I paint those with water color
Oi meninas saudades de voces...mas essa semana andei dançando MUITO e de todos os jeitos....continuo firme e forte com a minha ZUMBA, que depois do scrap é a minha grande paixão....gente eu amo demais os ritmos latinos, salsa , merengue, mambo...nossa eu sou apaixonada por todas essas músicas....
Se voces querem emagrecer, curtir se desligar eu aconselho ZUMBA.....gente é simplesmente divino....
Eu estou mega feliz ...gente mas feliz mesmo e orgulhosa por ter meu trabalho escolhido no blog One Upon a Sketch, no top 5...voces não imagina o que isso represnta para mim...lá só tem fera....só scrappers super talentosas participando.....e eu to aqui simplesmente rindo a toa !!!!!!!!!!
Outra página para o Color Combos Galore que eu adoro.. e tenho muito orgulho em ser menbro do time de Designs, o combo de cores está está simplesmente maravilhoso e eu espero que vocês gostem e se der deem uma passadinha lá e participem de nossos desafios !!!!
Eu estou mega feliz ...gente mas feliz mesmo e orgulhosa por ter meu trabalho escolhido no blog One Upon a Sketch, no top 5...voces não imagina o que isso represnta para mim...lá só tem fera....só scrappers super talentosas participando.....e eu to aqui simplesmente rindo a toa !!!!!!!!!!
Outra página para o Color Combos Galore que eu adoro.. e tenho muito orgulho em ser menbro do time de Designs, o combo de cores está está simplesmente maravilhoso e eu espero que vocês gostem e se der deem uma passadinha lá e participem de nossos desafios !!!!
Tenham um maravilhoso fim de semsna e se tiverem um tempinho curtam a Zumba...!!!!!!!!!!
Vocês vão amar !!!
24 comentários:
She certainly does have style Cynthia....a very pretty layout!
Funny enough I was talking with friends and we have agreed to start Zumba classes here in the UK.
Thankyou for stopping by mine and leaving a lovley comment xx
Yes, she really does have style! Very nice layout with a lot of texture and color.
Wow, you must be a very busy person, with your family, work, scrapbooking, and also Zumba! How do you find the time for everything?
WOW Cynthia!!! What a great heading!!! and those colours WOW WOW WOW you have just worked with them beautifully!!! all that texture is fabo!!!!
And you go girlfriend with that ZUMBA!! good on you!!
Take Care and thanks with hugs and kisses your way for all your lovely comments over at my blog!!!
WOW!!! What a layout! This is so awesomely awesome!!! :D Love the paint and the texture... this just pops out at you... 3D style!!!
wauw beautiful page again Cynthia love your title perfect with the photo..
byeeeeee,Lean and have a lovely day!
Hi Cynthia, this is my third time trying to comment on this post....blogger is giving me troubles again :(
Your LO is gorgeous, hope I'll start working in my LO soon. Whohoo for zumba! Hugs, Liliana
Congrats on the feature, Cynthia! Your cool LO deserves it!
Hugs from India
Congratulations on your win, your design is beautiful. Thank you for visiting my blog, it's wonderful to hear from you. Congrats on the Zumba too, it is so popular here my DD takes the class all the time!
Thank you so much for stopping by on my blog:) And big congrats on your well-deserved feature too! Your layout is so amazing. I absolutely love your other layout too. You do such gorgeous work with the paint, it adds a lot of dimension to your page:)
big, big, big congrats to you gorgeous girlfriend .... your work is always so happy and fun .... oozing with love ... that pic of your little girl is so sweet and perfect, love your work .... hugz x
Such stunning work Cyn,...and I am so so happy for you to be featured on OUAS! It was totally deserved with that gorgeous page.
I also love your take on the combo at CCG. I love the way you cut out the photo and the twine for a butterfly trail.
Thanks for the inspiration my friend!!
Congratulations on being featured!!! You are so amazing! I really admire your love for creating and your passion for scrapbooking! Thank you for the inspiration!
Hi Cynthia, thanks for the recent blog luv, congrats on the OUAS layout, it is stunning, also love your CCG layout, how do you find the time to scrap! Zumba instructor, I am not surprised, is that where you get all your energy from, it is big over here but have not tried it yet, prefer to get down the gym early in the morning before work take care Doreen x
Hi Cynthia,
Congratulations on your feature on OUAS! your work is beautiful! hope to see much more of it.
Thanks for your kind words on my blog ;)
Such a lovely page - that's why it was featured! And your new CCG one is very pretty too! Keep on Zumba dancing - I would love to try it!!
A big congrats to you on your feature my friend...you're up there because your lo is gorgeous! Your other lo is stunning as well!
That dancing sounds like fun!
A big congrats to you on your feature my friend...you're up there because your lo is gorgeous! Your other lo is stunning as well!
That dancing sounds like fun!
WOW gorgeous LO Cynthia.. the colours are so yummy and I love the texture.. WOO HOO congrats on your feature.. so happy for you!! Zumba looks fun, but I am so uncoordinated! Have a lovely day :)))
Congrats on the feature Cynthia, so well deserved, she does have style and your new creations are wonderful!
Congratulations on the feature Cynthia your design is amazing your work is always so happy. Thank you for visiting my blog, I love to hear from you.
Gorgeous layouts, as usual...I love the colours & textures of them, as well as the beautiful photos.
Haha I've just started zumba at home...very funny, but I am loving it!
SO WOW this is so fantastic beautiful page !!
hugs xx carla
love how you incorporate painting and misting!
Oh I so love to dance..I would love to try Zumba. How awesome that you are an instructor...super cool! :) Congrads on your OUAS sketch feature...thats fabulous doll...your layout is beautiful and totally deserving. Love your Color Combos layout too...gorgeous work.
Have a stunning weekend!
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