Hello my dear friends!!!
I am very happy today ...very ...very happy and so honored too!!!!
I am GUEST DESIGNS in a Bery 71blesuPages blog from my great and dear friend Marivic , we are part of the same DTS team in scrapforhelp and since then we have created a very wonderful friendship.
And along with me We're the talentedShe is such a great person and I love her so muchand she do a great work with those tags..and I made a min albun and a card with those marvelous peace!!!!
Iris Babao Uy and Michelle Marks both great scrappers.
She is a very special talent and just has these wonderful blog ...
And along with me We're the talentedShe is such a great person and I love her so muchand she do a great work with those tags..and I made a min albun and a card with those marvelous peace!!!!
Iris Babao Uy and Michelle Marks both great scrappers.
She is a very special talent and just has these wonderful blog ...
Thanks Marivic for invited me to be Guest in your blog!!That´s my first time like a Guest and I feel so omportant and so honored!!
She send me a lot of paper and so many wonderful emblishement and I also made a mini album with her tag and a card!
and I made a pege just to show all the great stuff she gave to me!!!
This is so wonderful to meet friend all over the world and be special for them!!!!
I love that!!!
Scrap is samething that really makes me a very happy person!!!
Kisses to everyone!
My card
My page

I still use the best glue ever and the embellie gellie for help me to glue evrything I do......they stil have a wonderful products to help mea lot .
I love scraperfect!!!!
In portuguese
Estou hoje super feliz , fui convidada pela minha super e mega amiga Marivic que tem um blog maravilhosos Berry 71 bleu, ela é um doce de pessoas e eu tenho a honra de te-la como menbro de equipe no scrapforhelp .
cEla me convidou para ser Guest em seu blog juntamente com a Iris Babao e Michele Marks ambas scrappers talentosíssimas..
Nossa eu me senti tão importante é a primeira vez que sou guest em um blog internacional!!!
18 comentários:
Congrats on your DT position, Cynthia!
Your card and your album are so lovely! Wonderful with the flowers!
sending hugs Regina
Oi Cyn
Que maravilha, parabéns !!! Também com tanto trabalho lindo só podia ser convidada mesmo.
you have been busy lovely work Cynthia and congrats with you guest dt spot...
I am so happy that you can join us as a GDT for Berry71bleu. I appreciate what you've done with the tags!!They're very pretty! I'm so happy that I've met you and that you and I had become friends. Through you, I've met a lot of really nice, scrappy friends from Brazil. Thank you Cynthia! Love all your work! Hugs, Marivic
Tudo maravilhoso Cyn!!!! Parabéns!!!
Que maravilha Cynthia! Voce merece mesmo! seus trabalhos s'ao maravilhosos.
Parabéns por mais esta conquista, e que venham muitas outras!
beautiful creations my sweet friend
i can see why you were picked for the DT
congratulations...love your style :D
stunning as usual Cynthia!!
Wow, loving all the red creations, Cynthia!! Congrats on your GDT spot, you deserve it! :)
Parabéns querida, reconhecimento super merecido!
Amei os projetos, ficaram lindos demais!
Wow! What awesome creations! Everything is just gorgeous! Congrats on being a guest designer!!!
Congrats to you on your GD spot. Your card, album and LO are just all so stunning. I can totally understand why they asked you. Well done.
WOW Cynthia CONGRATS to you!!!! WOW how excited to be a GD for Berry71bleu!! you are one amazing scrapper and you deserved this!! so well done
Have a great weekend
wow! love this! it's fantastic! and CONGRATS!!!
Congrats on your guest DT...absolutely wonderful!! Your card is beautiful, love the mini album and your layout is SUPERB!! I love your layering and the wonderful variety of textures. I always enjoy looking at all your pretty details, like the corrugated board, chippie, flowers, doilie and hessian...all totally divine.
Have an awesome weekend... :)
Wow, Cynthia, I am impressed that you created so many projects with those tags! They are all great. I love the bright red and pink colors that you used. Thanks for sharing!
Cyn ,
parabéns !
é maravilhoso ver a cada dia seu talento sendo reconhecido nacional e internacionalmente !
Parabéns ,seus projetos estão lindíssimos !!!!!!!!
Beijos !
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